Thursday, September 6, 2018


If you are like most startups, you have a bit of a problem saving money. Now, this isn’t your fault, as the revenue and income levels simply haven’t kept up with the your costs. As a result, many startups have to try and save money or spend less wherever they can.
One great way to save some money is to buy used items instead of new in order to stretch your dollars each month. While everyone knows to consider a used car, there are many other things you can buy used that you might not have thought about. And for a startup, you need to conserve cash.
Used doesn’t always mean bad, but it can. As a result, it is a good idea for you know a little about buying used before you end up wasting your money. This article is going to take a closer look at a few different tips for buying used items of all different kinds.

Know What to Buy Used and What Not To

While buying used can definitely save you some money, you shouldn’t be buying everything used. There are definitely some things you should try and buy new. While many will say to only buy “hard” items used (such as tables, coffee tables, vehicles, bookcases etc…) and buy “soft” items new (furniture and pillows), this isn’t always the case. For example, if furniture is cared for well and cleaned before you move it into your office, it can be a good way to save hundreds of dollars.
For a home item, it is a good rule of thumb for a lot of things as you probably don’t want to sleep in someone else’s old bed to simply save a little money. It is all about value and how much you weigh spending less money vs. the quality and experience you will get out of the item, costs versus benefits.

Do Your Research

This is arguably the most important thing to remember when buying used. If you buy used software or a gaming console, but it is only a tiny bit less money than buying new, you are probably better off buying new, as at least you know it is brand new. Without researching retail prices of goods, you could be spending more on used items than you should. Determining the costs of similar items will help.
Not only should you do your research to make sure you’re getting a good price compared to new or retail, but also to see if anyone else is selling something similar for less. Selling used goods is becoming a big business and thousands of people are using different websites to sell their items. As a result, there is a good chance someone else in your city is selling the same thing, so be sure to compare the prices before overspending when you don’t need to.

If You Have an Uneasy Feeling, Skip It

We have all had that “uneasy” feeling when buying a used item at one time or another. Whether you feel uneasy about the product you are buying, or the seller you are buying it from, it can be a stressful feeling. Instead of rolling the dice and still buying the item, more often than not, it makes sense to walk away.
Even if it is a really good deal, it might not be if the product isn’t as advertised or you get scammed. There will be other awesome deals, so don’t get too upset if you have to give up something that sounds too good to be true. Because if it sounds like that, it generally is.
In conclusion, buying used can be a very good way to save your startup money without sacrificing a lot of quality. If you follow the tips outline in this blog post, you should be well equipped to buy used without getting taken advantage of.
This weeks article by guest contributor.  
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