Thursday, September 13, 2018

How To Prepare The Perfect Elevator Pitch

How To Prepare The Perfect Elevator Pitch

Alejandro Cremades Contributor S.H.O.C.K. Strategic Marketing Newsletter
 The ability to create an effective elevator pitch can make all the difference as a startup entrepreneur. What’s the formula for crafting a quick pitch that can take you to the next level?
Having heard dozens, if not thousands of pitches by entrepreneurs over the past few years, I can tell you that there a lot of cringeworthy ones, and a few that really blow away investors to the point they attract instant engagement.
As I mention in my book, The Art of Startup Fundraising, to fully appreciate the value of a good elevator pitch, you’ve got to look beyond just how it can set up an investor meeting or open your live presentation when out there fundraising for your startup.

An elevator pitch can be instrumental in earning the opportunity to pitch in the best places, start relationships with key co-founders, vendors and team members. It can keep you invisible, or win the help of powerful influencers. So, how do you craft a perfect pitch for propelling your venture?
Recognize You Need More Than One Elevator Pitch
Before you get frustrated trying to condense everything you want to say about your business into just a few words, know that you’ll be best off with several versions of your elevator pitch.
Stanford graduate and mentor at 500 Startups, Elliot Loh poses the following simple formula for crafting an elevator pitch.
We solve [problem] by providing [advantage], to help [target] accomplish [target’s goal].
Of course, startup life means you’ll be meeting and talking to many people in a wide variety of scenarios. It may be running the office mascot in a local park, huddling around the Keurig in your coworking space, networking at a big tech event or tradeshow, pitching from the sidelines during a pitch night or literally in the elevator.
Everyone you meet may play a different role in the ecosystem. Each has a different need, or way they can help. It’s your job to convey how you can solve their problem and be of service to them and everyone in their circle.
Be prepared with different pitches for potential investors, influencers who can help you get your product noticed or make introductions, and for others who may just become power users themselves.
Prepare Different Lengths of Your Pitches
How long is an elevator ride anyway? Are you riding to the new observation deck in the Empire State Building, or just two floors to a house party? Are you using this at a structured networking event where you have a couple of minutes dedicated to presenting yourself? Or do you just have five seconds to make sure a major angel or VC rep overhears you as they walk by?
Having several lengths of pitches can ensure you are always successful in getting your message across, without any embarrassing silences, or mumbling to race the words off of your tongue.
Keep it Simple
There may be situations in which you should be using industry tech terms. Tailoring your language and word use can definitely help with connecting. However, in the majority of cases you want your pitch to be incredibly simple. Cut the jargon and fad words. Make sure the average person with no knowledge of your industry gets it.
Numbers and analogies can also help transcend these differences. Via Techrepublic venture partner Rui Ma says “Experienced investors are looking for data they can use to benchmark you against other players in the industry," and "For less experienced investors, provide the numbers but also provide context.” For example, “We just add 300,000 new users last quarter, which was more than twice the pace of Facebook.”
The elevator pitch could also be a good way to ease your way into the content of your actual pitch deck. In some instances you may want to lead with your elevator pitch and then walk the prospective investors through your pitch deck guided by the questions the investor may ask you. If you need some help with your deck, I recently covered the pitch deck template that was created by Silicon Valley legend, Peter Thiel (see it here) where the most critical slides are highlighted. Moreover, I also provided a commentary on a pitch deck from an Uber competitor that has raised over $400M (see it here)
Know Your USP
Make sure to highlight what is unique and different about your product, service or company. You need to be different in order to deserve attention.
Have a Hook
It is insanely easy to gain opportunities to deliver your elevator pitch. Just ask someone what they do. They’ll almost always return the favor.
Just don’t leave it there, with a flat statement or declaration. Ending or following up with a question is a great way to keep the conversation going, get them engaged, and take things to the next step.
Be Prepared to Answer Questions
Be sure you’ve also thought of the questions you are most likely to get after delivering your pitch. If you are successful in gaining their attention, then you have to back up your big claim. How are you achieving this? How do you know you can keep it up? How are you really better than ‘XYZ’ competitor?
Practice Your Delivery
The elevator pitch is a multi-million dollar sentence or two. Maybe even multi-billion dollar string of words. It’s worth practicing. You can bet each of your favorite music artists invests in a voice coach. You favorite athletes spend hours rehearsing their most notable feats. Even the minimum wage phone sales person who keeps trying to cold call you has probably going through a lot of intensive training. Even Tony Robbins spends hours exercising his voice to speak to a crowd that has already spent thousands to hear him.
Don’t let this trick you into stalling on delivering your pitch or approaching investors. Do put in some thought, practice and even get feedback and hone it. You may even want to record yourself, listen and hone it.
The more you practice, the more naturally confident you will be. Then you can really inject your personality and passion into, versus just reciting some stale words from a flash card. Investment manager, Sanna Westmanat VC Fund Creandum reminds us that "As a seed investor we not only invest in the idea but also in the people," meaning "I want to know that they're super excited about this and they'll put in the work that is needed for it."
Most entrepreneurs aren’t letting themselves down with their elevator pitch because they don’t know their value proposition or who it is for. They just rush out a couple of lines to introduce themselves, and forget the importance of tailoring it in length and substance for the current context. Others just fail to keep it simple enough, aren’t prepared for it to actually work and turn into an opportunity, or simply haven’t practiced it enough. Crush these factors and the world is your oyster.
Critical factors of a powerful elevator pitch are the following:
  • An elevator pitch is simply a quick introduction to your business
  • Around 30 seconds long
  • Sparks interest and response
  • It’s clear
  • It’s authoritative
  • It is about them, not you
  • Highlights your value, and what problem you are solving
  • Introduces your uniqueness
  • It’s relatable
Below are a few tips to make an impact with your pitch.
  1. Role play your pitch with team members, friends and family
  2. Record yourself, and tweak it
  3. Go listen to other pitches and note what works, or not
  4. Check out elevator pitch competitions (some offer up to $10k prizes)
  5. Document it in your mobile phone, so you won’t be at a loss for words
  6. Practice, practice, practice until it becomes natural
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