Thursday, December 29, 2011

Free 60 Day, "Go Green Challenge."

     If you use or have considered using Eco-Friendly products I can use your help. I am trying out an Eco-friendly company called Malelueca for my gym products line. They offer all natural choices for everything from beauty products to cleaning products to supplements, and for less $$$ then regular product lines.
     I have worked out 60 day trials for anyone who would like to try the products and let me know how you like Malelueca. (real world opinions) Anything you decide to try during your trial is refundable for any reason and you keep the product. 
     Please e-mail me your contact e-mail and phone number if you would like to participate. I will send you a link for a webinar to get all the details. I can make this offer to 10 people. Thank you in advance to all who decide to, "Go Green!"

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Coffee…“Medicine of Eternal Life?”

      When you pour that morning cup of coffee have you ever considered some of the effects it has on your body?  Coffee can dehydrate, raise blood pressure by constricting the blood vessels, increase stress levels by elevating the stress hormone cortisol, cause jitters and caffeine crash, and, depending on the strength of your brew, tends to be highly acidic. 
     Fear not coffee lovers, there is a, “Healthy Coffee,” option that has been proven to balance PH levels, provide natural detoxification, boost and support a healthy immune system, oxygenate the body, provide sustainable energy, causes no jitters or caffeine crash, all by infusing the coffee with a 100% organic herb.
     How is this possible?  According to the concept of Chinese medicine, 100% organic Lingzhi, Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum) can penetrate into and work on the five key human organs, so it can be served for impairment of the heart, lung, liver, pancreas, and kidney.  Ganoderma Lucidum is widely known to assist in healing the sickness of various human systems including respiratory, circulatory, digestive, neural, and endocrine.  It differs from any other natural products by regulating the entire body mechanism and metabolism to ensure that all organs function properly. 
    “Organo Gold Coffee,” made with 100% organic Ganoderma Lucidum can also help with anti-aging.  This is possible because of the polysaccharides and polypeptides found in Ganoderma Lucidum and can effectively delay the aging process.  Some of the positive effects that promote such vitality are enhanced immune function, the regulation of metabolism, removal of free radicals, and enhanced DNA synthesis. 
     Ganoderma Lucidum has been nicknamed the “Medicine of Eternal Life,” and the “Miracle Herb” mainly due to the effects on skin protection and delayed aging, but let’s not forget the positive effects it can have treating diabetes, hypertension, liver protection, detoxification, cardiovascular health, chronic bronchitis and asthma suppression as well. 
     For complete, detailed information regarding Ganoderma Lucidum and its helpful effects and/or if you are interested in receiving a free sampling of the, “Organo Gold Coffee,” products for your business or personal use, please contact Felicia Houk (702)370-1091/ Don Houk (702)588-4883 or email us Here’s to your health…drink up!  Mention Fitness Industry Consulting Services.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Immediate Cash Flow...No Added Expense!

     My name is Tim Wesley and I am a Consultant with Fitness Management and Consulting.  Fitness Management & Consulting specializes in helping health clubs, fitness centers, multi-purpose athletic clubs and gyms to find successful solutions and profitability in a highly competitive business.  We have recently become affiliated with Gym Nutrition Systems.   The GNS program is an automated version of the 1 on1 Personalized approach used on the ABC hit television show Extreme Makeover. Each member will receive a customized program based on an algorithm developed by top nutrition experts and endorsed by independent registered dietitians and physicians!  This gym system will enable you to immediately increase revenue, increase your membership referrals, and leverage existing memberships.  You will be able to start contacting your existing membership base and promote your new weight loss program right away.
Increased revenue with NO added marketing expense!
  • Immediate cash flow

  • No added expenses

  • No added staff

         Gold's gym has had great success using this model to generate revenue immediately and it costs nothing!  Once we sign up your club as a Designer Body Nutrition Program vendor, we will train your team on how to promote the diet plan and correctly sign up each new member. We provide you with marketing material and in certain cases, printers.
         To receive, "No Obligation," detailed information about Gym Nutrition Systems please contact Tim Wesley for an appointment.  Call today and your facility will also receive a free, "Needs Analysis," consultation from FM&C.   
    Tim Wesley
    Fitness Management and Consulting
    When The Going Gets TOUGH The Smart Get Help (TM)
    skype: twesley13
    800-714-6067 business

    Thursday, April 14, 2011

    Benefits of Sponsorship
    April 14, 2011 by Tim Wesley 
    In recent years, corporate sponsorship has become one of the fastest growing types of marketing.  Sponsorship can be one of the best means of broadening a company’s competitive edge, image, and credibility if you select and support the events that target your businesses market group. 
    Some of this growth can be attributed to the growing numbers of small businesses and franchisees beginning to get involved.  Before, only large businesses could afford to sponsor as a way to increase profits and community recognition.  Now smaller companies are sponsoring everything from local sports teams to community expos. and town clean-ups.  Many of these types of sponsorships help companies to project their public profile fairly cheaply.

    Experts in the field are now speaking about the broad spectrum of benefits that can be gained by sponsorship besides from just enhancing visibility and image.  There are benefits such as differentiating the company from competitors, developing closer relationships with customers, (both existing and new) and showcasing your company’s products and services.  These experts conclude that when sponsorships are specific and well thought out they can increase short and long term profits.

    Sponsorship is an effective marketing tool not only because it is a great way of reaching a wide range of audiences that can be potential customers, but it’s also a great way to reach decision makers for businesses.  Sponsorship of large venues can be particularly beneficial for companies that do business in multiple states or internationally, because sponsorship transcends cultural and language barriers.  Many marketers believe corporate sponsorship is the best way to allocate their marketing dollars because it provides them with the chance to gauge their customer’s response immediately, as well as allowing owners and executives to relate with their customers.  When set up correctly, sponsorship also gives potential clients the chance to try out products and services first hand.  This has always been a very powerful selling tool as it gives the client pride of ownership when they can interact, touch, and feel products.
    All sponsors are looking for the widest exposure possible in both print and electronic media because of the increase in public visibility.  This is the reason many corporate sponsors are attracted to large sporting events.  These types of events attract large numbers of diverse people.  The same holds true for smaller business that chose to sponsor their community’s local events. 

    The mass coverage by the media that you receive as a sponsor is most likely unaffordable if you were to purchase it.  This is why your company must maximize the impact of the event by augmenting the media coverage the organizers arrange.  Most times sponsorship can generate media coverage that may not have been available normally. 

    Given the tendency of consumers to associate sponsors with the event they promote, it is important for businesses to carefully choose sponsorships that are suitable for their image.  One important factor before your decision to sponsor an event is to research how the event will be perceived.  Does it have an up-scale clean image, or is the reputation less than satisfactory?  Business should never associate themselves with a cause or event that has the potential to project negative effects on them.  Also, organizers should be proactive in providing you with details such as the target audience that can be expected, media coverage plans, (remembering you can promote as well) obligations you have as a sponsor, support the organizers will provide, and a breakdown of what your marketing dollars are buying. 

    Hospitality and exclusive networking events can be used to meet significant customers and cement business associations.  Remember it is always important to consider every opportunity and seek new ways to couple them with your business and marketing needs.

    For more information or sponsorship opportunities please contact Tim Wesley Fitness Management and Consulting at 800-714-6067 or

    Tim Wesley is an affiliate consultant of Fitness Management USA Inc., a management consulting and turnaround firm specializing in the fitness and health club industry. With more than 20 years of experience managing clubs of all sizes, Wesley lectures and delivers seminars and workshops on the practical skills required to successfully build teamwork and market fitness programs and products.

    Monday, February 21, 2011

    Are you in Compliance?

         I was recently contacted by the owner of a health club regarding a staff member he employed as an instructor. The employee that seemed to be a qualified fitness instructor was terminated after several months due to continuous non-compliance problems.
         The question that the owner had for me was related to what the employee did after the termination.  The upset employee filed a complaint with the Employment Development Department.  The employee claimed to be owed for services performed during his tenure that were never covered as part of normal payroll.  It turns out that when the employee was happy he volunteered his time for on-sight and off-sight events, but after being terminated for such problems as taking personal training fees under the table, became upset and filed the complaint. 
         At this point there was not much that was able to be done to resolve the problem for this club owner.  It does, however, validate the importance of knowing the labor laws and compliance of the laws in your area.  Now as it turns out the labor laws in this club owners area do dictate that an employee be paid for any actions that are performed in a positive nature for the business.  (The owner needed to be familiar with this law and having the employee clocked in and out during all hours he was providing club related services.)  By not having the employee’s volunteered hours documented this left many hours open for interpretation as to what actually was due to the employee.  He should have never been allowed to do any volunteer work. 
         Also, after the claim was settled it came to the owner’s attention that this particular employee had no less than four previous cases filed with the EDD related to other businesses where he had worked the same angles to take advantage of his employers.  Both stealing from the businesses, then filing claims for unpaid hours after being caught and terminated. 
         If you are not completely up to date and comfortable with the laws it may be a good idea to look into such programs as Professional Employer Organization (PEO), Human Resource Outsourcing (HRO), Payrolling, and Staffing.  These types of programs can ensure you are in compliance with payroll administration, regulatory compliance, workers’ compensation coverage/administration and other related employee administration requirements.  Also making sure that you (or an outside agency) perform the necessary pre-employment screening, testing, reference and background checking that will help avoid employment issues. 
         So get in compliance today to save yourself unforeseen problems tomorrow!