Friday, March 24, 2017

Do Just This One Thing And Your Sales Will Explode

Over the past several weeks, I have been writing about the fundamentals of marketing...
  • have something good to say
  • say it well
  • say it often
Last week, I posted an article on the second fundamental... say it well.
Now let's discuss fundamental #3... say it often.
This is simply referring to the power of "repetition."
Let's face it, all of us are bombarded every day with marketing messages.
Experts claim we're exposed to approximately 3,000 ads every day.
That's why most of us completely ignore and simply tune out most if not all marketing messages.
There's just too much clutter, so you have to use repetition to break through it all.
Why do you think you see the exact same ad on TV day after day?
Prospects have to see an ad more than 20 times before it even begins to sink in.
Have you ever had a favorite ad that you found funny or heartwarming, but then discovered you couldn't name the product or service it was promoting?
Repetition is CRITICAL if you want your marketing to be successful.
Fortunately, when you follow the Conversion Equation of Interrupt, Engage, Educate and Offer, you don't have to use as much repetition to get your message across when compared to most advertising that relies strictly on branding.
But you still have to place your marketing in front of your prospects 3 to 6 times to insure you break through all of the marketing clutter.
But here's the problem... how can a small business owner afford to do that?
These days, marketing isn't cheap, and it's getting more expensive every year.
The answer - implement what we refer to as a "drip campaign."
A drip campaign involves staying in touch with your interested prospects.
OK... but who are your interested prospects?
They're the ones that requested your informational offer we discussed previously.
That's why you want to offer information to your prospects when it's appropriate, so you can capture their contact information and then convert them into customers by staying in touch with them... reminding them of the benefits of your product or service... and helping them down their Buyer's Journey until they finally arrive at the point where they're ready to buy.
Remember the Sunroom Contractor from my previous posts?
Think about this... how many people are ready to plunk down $30,000 for a sunroom on any given day?
Obviously not many, which is why that contractor offered a Sunroom Idea Guide in order to entice prospective sunroom purchasers to identify themselves by requesting that guide.
The contractor had them go to a specific landing page and enter their first name and email address so they could instantly download that guide.
Then after capturing that contact information, the contractor could begin a dedicated and continuous drip campaign whereby each prospect would receive additional information targeting specific details about purchasing a sunroom while highlighting and reminding the prospects about the benefits of owning a sunroom.
But what type of information do you send your prospects through a drip campaign?
Simple, you already have ALL of the information you need... it's all in the informational offer you sent them originally.
You simply take individual components from that offer and remind and reinforce them to your prospects.
Let me show you an actual example of this.
Remember the Sunroom Guide I showed you previously...
Click here to review it again.
Look at the various sections again in this Guide.
Then click here to see a postcard drip campaign that highlights and reminds the prospect about the benefits in the Guide...continues to overcomes their objections... and even reinforces WHY the prospect should use this sunroom contractor over their competition.
Notice also how EACH postcard follows the Conversion Equation of Interrupt, Engage, Educate and Offer.
By the way, postcards would be just one type of drip campaign this sunroom contractor could employ.
This EXACT same information could just as easily be sent out in the form of a flyer, a brochure, email or direct mail... or even as a radio or TV advertisement.
The information would remain the same... only the medium with which the messaging is delivered would change.
Next time, I will provide you with a full and complete summary of all the marketing information I've provided to you so far and give you the "big picture overview" that will bring all of this together.
Tim Wesley
P.S. -  I am close to publishing my 2nd marketing book?
I still need 2 final case studies for my publisher.
If you're interested, I'll find you more than $10,000 in less than 45minutes... over the phone... and I won't charge you anything for the service.
I only ask that you let me use your results in my upcoming book.
If you're interested, click here and complete the short evaluation request form.
I'll call you and schedule a day and time convenient for you.

Friday, March 10, 2017

The Secret To Great Marketing

The purpose of marketing... to help facilitate your prospects' decision-making process.

There are two additional ways to view marketing's purpose in simpler terms...
1. Enter the conversation taking place in the head of your prospect
  2.  Answer the number one question on your prospect's mind... at just the right time

Evaluate your marketing and website based on that critical criteria.
How did your marketing stack up?

If you need help I will give you a hand with that evaluation using my proprietary Conversion Equation Evaluation form that has the power to predict the future success of your marketing... both from a results and a financial standpoint.

If you would like me to do that for you (no charge), click here and simply fill out the contact request form and put, help with business evaluation in the message box.

Today, let's discuss the three critical fundamentals of marketing that were highlighted in the video I asked you to watch.

Click here if you haven't watched it yet

The three fundamentals of marketing are...
have something good to say
say it well
say it often

Let's explore that first fundamental today... have something good to say.
This fundamental is neglected by virtually EVERY business owner on the planet.

To have something good to say means that your business MUST be unique when compared to all the others who sell what you sell.

You must be different... there must be something that separates your business from all of your competition.

Remember several emails ago I mentioned that most businesses all look and say the EXACT same things?

When businesses copy each other, that forces those businesses into price competition, because price then becomes the ONLY differentiator for prospects to consider.

It becomes the ONLY value proposition left to the prospects.
Any business that determines it isn't unique MUST innovate so it does become unique.

Domino's Pizza did this back in 1971.
Domino's became a billion dollar behemoth in an overcrowded market back then.

Did Domino's make the best pizza? Not even close!
Did they offer comfortable in-house dining like ALL pizza places did back in those days? No way!

Did they offer the largest selection on their menu? NO... they offered the exact same pizza as ALL of their competitors!

They dominated by having something good to say that was radically different back then when compared to ALL the other pizza franchises... fresh hot pizza delivered to you in 30 minutes or less!

But then Domino's had to innovate in order to make good on that promise.
They specifically targeted hungry college kids living in crowded dorms (densely populated where few had transportation).

Domino's went to small shopping centers located nearby the various college campuses and rented small storefronts just big enough to accommodate a pizza oven and a preparation counter.

One kid made the pizza's while another delivered them.
The result - Domino's became a billion dollar behemoth in an overcrowded market.

You can do the EXACT same thing with your business.
And if you do, you will be well on your way to dominating your market, just like Domino's did.

Tim Wesley

P.S. If you would like me to perform a complete marketing analysis on your business (no charge), just click here and simply fill out the short evaluation request form.

This analysis will predict the future success of your marketing, and highlight the improvements you can make that will enable your marketing to generate more leads and close more sales.